GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 15-Feb-2010 - Tournament Beta

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In this update we've added fully automated tournaments. Tournament functionality is still in beta so it is available only for a limited number of players who are chosen to play beta-test tournament this week, but once it is properly tested and fixed it will be available to everyone within a few weeks. Hold on... regular tournaments are closer than ever before!
In this update:
- tournaments (beta)
- memorial boulevard tweaked (more obstacles in center)
- additional effects of explosive weapons (stun, blind, poison) now have no effect through non-visible obstacles
- acid mine now 4 AP (was 6), bear trap now 6 AP (was 4) - we forgot to flip AP when we flipped those two.
- Saviour gold medal now requires 150000 HP healed (was 100000)
- in random battles location is picked randomly between locations of corresponding players.
- in random battles level difference is handled more intelligent (level 18 will not fight against level 20 even if it's 2 level difference).
Edited 6 hours later by . Reason: Grammar/Spelling corrections.
15 years ago Quote
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Atualização 15-Fev-2010 - Torneio Beta
Nesta atualização nos adicionamos Torneios totalmente automatizados. A funcionalidade dos torneios ainda esta em fase de testes e só está disponível para alguns jogadores que foram escolhidos para testarem o torneio esta semana, quando estiver propriamente testado e sem erros o mesmo vai estar disponível para todos em semanas. Aguentem ai... torneios regulares estão mais proximos do que nunca!
Na atualização:
- torneios (beta)
- mudanças em memorial boulevard (mais obstaculos ao centro do mapa)
- efeitos adicionais de armas explosivas (como stun, blind, poison) não possuem mais efeito sobre obstaculos não visiveis
- mina ácida consome 4 ap (antes eram 6), armadilha de urso consomen 6 ap (antes eram 4) - nos esquecemos de mudar o ap desses dois na ultima atualização.
- Salvador medalha de ouro requer 150000 HP curados (antes era 100000)
- nas lutas aleatorias, a localidade é escolhida aleatoriamente entre os locais em que os jogadores se encontram.
- nas lutas aleatorias a diferença de nível é manejada de forma mais inteligente (nível 18 nem sempre lutará contra um nível 20 mesmo com 2 níveis de diferença).
Edited 1 hour, 15 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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nice update
but on this tournament can win only high lvl
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Game server does not reply !!!!!!!!
😕 😡
After the updates of music, the game is not going into the game more. whenever I try to enter appears: "Server not answering to the game. Try again later." I have been a long time without playing.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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thanks for the update...
man... the thing here is..

first, that tournaments are for high levels can only win...
second, that thumper blinding magic.. which i really liked cant blind the enemy enymore on the red truck...
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 15-Feb-2010 - Turnieje Beta
W tej aktualizacji dodaliśmy w pełni zautomatyzowane turnieje. Funkcjonalność turnieji jest ciągle w fazie beta więc narazie turnieje są dostępne tylko dla niektórych graczy / beta testerów którzy będą testować turnieje w tym tygodniu, jednak kiedy turnieje będą w pełni przetestowane i poprawione będą w pełni dostępne dla wszystkich. Pozostańcie w oczekiwaniu... Automatyczne turnieje są bliżej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej!
W tej aktualizacji:
- system turniejowy (beta testy)
- Bulwar Pamięci poprawiono (więcej przeszkód w centrum)
- poprawiono efekty broni wybuchowej (oszołomienie, oślepienie, trucizna) teraz nie zadają danego efektu przez nieprzenikalną przeszkodę
- mina kwasowa teraz użycie 4 PA (było 6), Niedźwiedzia pułapka teraz 6 PA (było 4)
- Zbawiciel złoty medal wymaga teraz 150000 PŻ uzdrowionego (było 100000)
- w losowych walkach lokalizacja jest wybierana losowo z lokalizacji oczekujących uczestników
- bardziej inteligentny mechanizm dobierania przeciwników w losowych walkach( level 18 nie będzie mógł walczyć przeciwko level 20 nawet jeśli będzie 2 levele różnicy).
Edited 3 days later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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nice update
but on this tournament can win only high lvl

There's a reason why it's only a beta. We're still trying to work out the bugs and problems with automatic tournaments so that you, the "general public," don't have to deal with those problems that the "testers" find for us.
They were told about the level differential well in advance in another thread in the game discussion forum as we were getting our testers.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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wow, i want to be able to play in tournaments!! also im a low lvl 8 player but you can make a survaival mode, and i can team up so you will defenetly loose, lol
I like the idea, willing to get inside the beta or to the final edition...
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
Sweet update, special thanks for the memorial changes.
one thing i notice is that the road now is not in the middle of the map it's always kind of spacious on 1 side, and crumped up on the other.
Would be nice to hear some stories about what the tournaments are like? ☺ for the noobs who can't play them. Will they be eventually clan tournaments or open for all when they're done?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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These automated tournaments are for 1x1 only.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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im lvl 19 so i cant have battle with 20 or 21 lvl in random? 😁
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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You can have it with 20, but not with 21
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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I didn't know that you could do abort request! How do you?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*
We dont do abort requests, you can abort games yourself if everyone in the game agrees.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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We still testing the tourney but we dont know the exact rules so its hard to find real bugs.
Maybe you can discribe some features. Some question i have for example:
You must select 2 of 3 special timepoints when will fight. If you dont select this at a special moment you are out of tourney. This timepoint is some hour before When is it? Is this always so or at every tourney another rule?
What happen if you wait for a random match, your tourney-opponent start a random match too and the area is the same of tourney. Count this match as a round? If answer is yes: What happen if you start a random match with arts against your opponent and arts not allowed at tourney?
Your last possible time for match comes near:
- You are not online. You are out of tourney?
- Your opponent is offline too? You both are out or just the player who is longer offline?
- You are both online but no match. What happen?
- You are online but oponent isn't online. You win?
- You are online but opponent play another match. You win tourney round?
- You both play another match.
- You are online but away.
The most misunderstanding point was the time.
I believe the showing time-points at tourneysite in the game are the exact time at my own country like the time at the chat. Thats right?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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We still testing the tourney but we dont know the exact rules so its hard to find real bugs.
Maybe you can discribe some features. Some question i have for example:
You must select 2 of 3 special timepoints when will fight. If you dont select this at a special moment you are out of tourney. This timepoint is some hour before When is it? Is this always so or at every tourney another rule?
What happen if you wait for a random match, your tourney-opponent start a random match too and the area is the same of tourney. Count this match as a round? If answer is yes: What happen if you start a random match with arts against your opponent and arts not allowed at tourney?
Your last possible time for match comes near:
- You are not online. You are out of tourney?
- Your opponent is offline too? You both are out or just the player who is longer offline?
- You are both online but no match. What happen?
- You are online but oponent isn't online. You win?
- You are online but opponent play another match. You win tourney round?
- You both play another match.
- You are online but away.
The most misunderstanding point was the time.
I believe the showing time-points at tourneysite in the game are the exact time at my own country like the time at the chat. Thats right?

Did you read this?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Did you read this?

Yes, but at first i dont scroll down to read all ☹
Now i know some answers but not all. There is no explaining about random matches or the showing time.
Another suggestion is a open tourney screen for all players. I believe everybody wants to know what happen at a tourney. For example the overview is very interessting for all.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Currently screen is closed cause it's a test tournament so it's only for participants.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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... I have to suggest it!
The hours of the Games.
I know that can be Choice 2 to 3 hours and I proposed that the game can be played in advance of the hours, just the opponent to be online and accepting the fight.
However, it happened to me twice in the tournament my opponent does not know why postpone until the deadline of combat. Hoping that I probably did not appear in combat, because in Portugal the deadline was 5 am.
My suggestion:
The time limit to start the fight must be up to the 20 or 21Hours of the Night. For one reason.
21h night in Portugal Russia = 00h = 18h Brazil
20h night in Portugal Russia = 23h = 17h Brazil
It is just time for everyone, because it is where most of the players live.
All the rest of the tournament is well organized and well done.
Good Work.
Hug and think in this situation
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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LOL, for you world consists only of Portugal and Brasil 😁
What about China, Russia, Australia and other time zones?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him