GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
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Update 22-Feb-2010 - Exquisite Taste medal added + tournaments ready!

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New medal "Exquisite Taste" added to encourage people to spend money on appearance:
Iron - Spend 10000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 20 rank 9
Bronze - Spend 50000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 30 rank 11
Silver - Spend 200000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 40 rank 13
Gold - Spend 500000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 50 rank 15
Cash spent on appearance will be counted starting from this update, so your past purchases unfortunately wont qualify for this medal.
On the other hand, last week testing of tournaments showed us that they are ready for a wider audience. Within 24 hours we will launch a free registration to the tournament for levels 10-14. Get ready for action!
Edited 1 hour, 16 minutes later by . Reason: Spell / Grammar Checking.
15 years ago Quote
Reply to
oh no i didnt get any art ? , i spend already 220k cash on last two day
-ok i took my answer, i wee that too late,,

Cash spent on appearance will be counted starting from this update, so your past purchases unfortunately wont qualify for this medal.
Edited 2 minutes later by . Reason: Cash spent on appearance will be counted starting from this update, so your past purchases unfortunately wont qualify for thi.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Please note that this medal counts only Enkord Cash spent ON APPEARANCE, not just total cash spent.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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☺ nice update
bersk we have to talk in private about my Skull hat 😉
you are cigano and some times i think you are not a bussiness man for some acts
you have to agree with client all the times, dont know that???😁
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Aktualizacja 22-Feb-2010 - nowy Medal Wyszukany Gust + turnieje są gotowe!
Nowy medal "Wyszukany Gust" dodany by zadowolić graczy którzy wydają Enkord Cash na poprawę wizerunku swoich jednostek:
Żelazny - wydane 10000 Enkord Cash na wizerunek. Nagroda - ART level 20 poziomu 9
Brązowy - wydane 50000 Enkord Cash na wizerunek. Nagroda - ART level 30 poziomy 11
Srebrny - wydane 200000 Enkord Cash na wizerunek. Nagroda - ART level 40 poziomu 13
Złoty - wydane 500000 Enkord Cash na wizerunek. Nagroda - ART level 50 poziomu 15
Pieniądze wydane na wizerunek będą liczone do medalu od tej chwili, więc wasze wcześniejsze zakupy nie wliczają się do tego medalu.
Z innej strony, testowy turniej który się odbył w zeszłym tygodniu wypadł poprawnie i testy pokazały że mechanizm turniejowy jest gotowy na szerszą publicznosć. W ciągu 24 godzin wystartujemy z darmową rejestracją na turniej dla leveli 10-14. Bądźcie gotowi do akcji!
Edited 1 hour, 37 minutes later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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who i tell to enter in the tournament??
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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New medal "Exquisite Taste" added to encourage people that spend money on appearance:
Iron - Spend 10000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 20 rank 9
Bronze - Spend 50000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 30 rank 11
Silver - Spend 200000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 40 rank 13
Gold - Spend 500000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 50 rank 15
Cash spent on appearance will be counted starting from this update, so your past purchases unfortunately wont qualify for this medal.
On the other hand last week testing of tournaments showed us that they are reedy for wide audience. Within 24 hours we will launch a free registration to the tournament for levels 10-14. Get ready for action!

Oh my... quite the idea there berserker... giving a reason to buy special outfits for artifacts? Might actually cause players to come back to the cash shop for their "looks!"
As for tournaments... will moderators be able to see the lists of players registered?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

who i tell to enter in the tournament??

You dont need to tell anyone, tomorrow there will be a special tab in the game where you can sign up.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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As for tournaments... will moderators be able to see the lists of players registered?

Not only moderators... Anyone will see.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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10k spended
i spended 10K on appearance. How does this art payment work?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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so medal and weapon will appear after first battle after u spended this cash
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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but why tournament is for lvls 10-14 😕 i am lvl 15 that means i cant enter???
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Good Update!
My three stooges in the gunrox news.😁
I think some exclusive ware is not bad.
In real i like too good clothes.
Hope and pray i will play!!!


15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Iron - Spend 10000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 20 rank 9
Bronze - Spend 50000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 30 rank 11
Silver - Spend 200000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 40 rank 13
Gold - Spend 500000 Enkord Cash on appearance. Reward - ART level 50 rank 15
Cash spent on appearance will be counted starting from this update, so your past purchases unfortunately wont qualify for this medal.

what is the differens between lvl 20, lvl 30,lvl 40 and lvl 50 ART?
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

what is the differens between lvl 20, lvl 30,lvl 40 and lvl 50 ART?

Maybe the kind of weapon wich you would use at this special level.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i cant enter :(
i cant enter ☹
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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Atualização 22-Fev-2010 - Nova Medalha "Gosto Esquisito" + Torneios Prontos
Nova medalha "Gosto Esquisito" foi adicionada para incentivar os jogadores a investirem dinheiro em aparência:
Medalha de Ferro - gaste um total de 10000 Enkord Cash em itens de aparência. Prêmio - Artefato nível 20 rank 9
Medalha de Bronze - gaste um total de 50000 Enkord Cash em itens de aparência. Prêmio - Artefato nível 30 rank 11
Medalha de Prata - gaste um total de 200000 Enkord Cash em itens de aparência. Prêmio - Artefato nível 40 rank 13
Medalha de Ouro - gaste um total de 500000 Enkord Cash em itens de aparência. Prêmio - Artefato nível 50 rank 15
Dinheiro gasto com aparência será contado a partir desta atualização, infelizmente suas compras anteriores em aparência não iram contar para esta medalha.
Por outro lado, os testes dos torneios na última semana mostraram que estes estão prontos para um público mais amplo. Em 24 horas, terá inicio as inscrições para o torneio para níveis 10-14. Inscrições gratuítas Participem e boa sorte.
Edited 1 day later by .
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i dont understand the time of the tourney how do i convert it to my time here in the philippines????????????
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

what is the differens between lvl 20, lvl 30,lvl 40 and lvl 50 ART?

The weapon level is decided by the level (IE. an AK-47 at Iron) and the color is decided by the rank (IE. any possible combination so that the effect would register as a rank 9 on the slot machine at Iron).
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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i like the tournemant part 😁 but the EC part is way to expensive for me
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote

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Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him