GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where 
you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him
Play Now Download

To berserker ....


For How long you going to watch henre steal people accounts before taking a real step into stopping him ? And how can someone change email and password without securitey key ? I have the last email + password + key still can't recover account somehow .... Please help or at least check account ip in the past year you will easily find out it's stolen ....

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

funny guy .... no one force you or steal you as you said and I can proof 

You said dead game and want focus future, right? 

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
spreading fake news as if I robbed you... but it's easy for you to say you're sorry and want to get back to the game, right? that your ''focus on the future'' went wrong
1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

Np sold the accounts and share which break gunrox rules so banned both berserker thank you ( Ultimate + died + snake )

Edited 8 minutes later by .
1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
Reply to

0 sense but ok xD

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

0 sense but ok xD

Having a chat named ultimate proving you aren't the real owner still talking about sense lol 🌚

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote      Ban ASAP .....

1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote

He got his phone linked and stole accounts ... While i have ID + First last name + past email pass + securitey question + birth date + bank history !! How can he steal that easy!

Edited 11 minutes later by .
1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote


1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote


1 month ago Quote
1 month ago Quote


Download Play Now GUNROX is a hardcore old-school turn-based PvP game with full loot drop where you can take all of your opponent's equipment after killing him